
Hi my name is Tom i'm 10 years old [turning 11 in August] and i'm posting things about my work on this blog

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Cockroach facts.

1 A cockroach can survive a month without food ad a week without water! (There the best survivors)
2 They have support, protection and anchor muscles to help them
3 A Cockroach is a nocturnal creature,a nocturnal creature is a creature that comes out in the dark and sleeps during the day
4. Entomology is the study of insects, including their relationships with other animals, their environments, and human beings. Entomological research can also give us broader insights into ecology, evolution, and social behavior. Entomologists study insects, such as ants, bees, and beetles.
5 A Cockroach's brain is on the side of its body!!
6 A cockroach can survive TONS of radiation!
7 A Cockroach is really REALLY annoying
8 There’s around 4600 species of cockroach!
9 A cockroach can go quite fast with no legs even 3 it's still quite fast!
10The native Black Cockroach apparently STINK!.  

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