
Hi my name is Tom i'm 10 years old [turning 11 in August] and i'm posting things about my work on this blog

Thursday, 7 September 2017

My Speech

We need to cut down on vermin

When you ask someone what animal they would wish to be, they probably say to be a bird, but in New Zealand being a bird is proving to be tricky. An estimated 25 MILLION native birds are killed every year by pest. It's all because of vermin [ vermin standing for mice/rats/possums etc ]. Cats are to blame as well and the majority of us, have one.

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In NZ we have a high death rate of native birds and that's why they are mostly endangered, and it’s because of because of vermin. The vermin group mainly consist of: Mice, Rats, Stoats, Possums etc, and this group alone kill 25 million native birds a year. that amount of birds if exchanged as people would fill in the populations of the following: Bulgaria, Denmark, Singapore, Ireland and qatar altogether and still have some room left over. At this rate, sadly, we won't have any birds left in a few decades.

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As well as NATIVE birds go, you have to remember all the other types of birds that get killed by the pests, and it's not just vermin that do this. CATS alone kill between 1.4 and 3.7 billion , yes billion birds worldwide every year, yes they do kill more birds than cats. But let's not forget that 1.4 billion [ at the least ] is roughly the same amount of people that were living in CHINA from July 2016, or one 5th of the entire world population.

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All everyone has to do is get a few mouse or rat traps to eliminate the vermin population and, they only cost a dollar fifty each and cheese  costs $9 per kg! Which is enough for a tonne of mouse traps. You could catch hundreds of mice and save THOUSANDS of birds and you can shoot and hunt possums, which is fun if you don’t have mouse traps, but anyway. That's my speech on vermin and hopefully New Zealand will do something about it.

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